=== PeaZip language file === English 2.2 Translated by: Giorgio Tani Last rev. by: Giorgio Tani Last rev.: 20080807 === PeaZip text group === txt_exclude_recourse: "exclude" recourse subdirs txt_action_extopen: "Extract and open with associated application" action txt_error_passwordnotmatch: "Password" and "Confirm password" fileds doesn't match, please correct them txt_action_preview: "Preview with associated application" action txt_preview_hint: "Preview" action perform the same task as "Extract and open" but to a temporary path in output directory, automathically removed when the archive is closed. txt_better: (better) txt_default2: (default) txt_faster: (faster) txt_fastermem: (faster, less memory) txt_tempdir: (PeaZip's temporary work folder) txt_stream: (set by "Stream control") txt_slowermem: (slower, more memory) txt_store: (store, fastest) txt_newfolder: (to new folder) txt_list_tryflatorpw: , try either providing a password or using flat view mode (+) txt_action_1: ... and open the output path txt_action_2: ... and open with associated application txt_action_3: ... and open with PeaZip (if supported) txt_action_4: ... and open with PeaZip or associated application txt_7z_exitcodeunknown: : Unknown error in job txt_list_isfolder: [folder] txt_extractionauto: txt_compressionauto: txt_none: txt_fd: 1.44 MB Floppy Disk txt_7z_exitcode1: 1: Warning: non fatal error(s); i.e. some files missing or locked txt_attach10: 10 MB (attachment limit) txt_7z_exitcode2: 2: Fatal error occurred txt_7z_exitcode255: 255: Job halted by the user txt_fat32: 4 GB (max FAT32 file size) txt_dvd: 4.7 GB DVD txt_attach5: 5 MB (attachment limit) txt_cd650: 650 MB CD txt_7z_exitcode7: 7: Error: got incorrect command line txt_cd700: 700 MB CD txt_type_description_7z: 7Z: feature rich archive format with high compression ratio txt_dvddl: 8.5 GB DVD DL txt_7z_exitcode8: 8: Error: not enough memory for requested operation txt_abort: Abort scheduled file copy/move operations? txt_about: About txt_action: Action txt_action_hint: Action on open or preview with associated application txt_add: Add txt_add_existing_archive: add (if archive exists) txt_add_archive: Add archive txt_add_files: Add file(s) txt_add_folder: Add folder txt_add_path: Add path txt_add_tolayout: Add selected files and folders to archive's layout txt_add_toarchive: Add to archive txt_add_tobookmarks: Add to bookmarks txt_address_hint: Address: accepts wildcards ? for character and * for string; doesn't need " or ' delimiters txt_adv_filters: Advanced filters txt_algo: Algorithm txt_all: all txt_all_default: All (default) txt_all_type: All objects of this type txt_all_date: All objects with date... txt_all_psize: All objects with packed size... txt_all_attributes: All objects with same attributes txt_all_size: All objects with size... txt_error_input_upx: allows a single executable file as input txt_always_pw: Always ask for password extract/test/list from system's context menu txt_always_new: Always extract to new folder txt_ignore_ext: Always ignore paths for "Extract and..." txt_ignore_disp: Always ignore paths for "Extract displayed..." txt_ignore_sel: Always ignore paths for "Extract selected..." txt_key_hint: Append keyfile's hash to password; the archive can be decrypted by PeaZip and other applications following the same standard, or entering the hash as part of the password txt_timestamp: Append timestamp to archive name txt_appoptions: Application options txt_type_description_arc: ARC: experimental archiver, powerful, efficient and feature-rich txt_archive: Archive txt_un7z_browse_ok: archive browsed successfully txt_interface: Archive browser interface txt_archivecreation: Archive creation txt_tarbefore_hint: Archive data in TAR format before than in specified type. txt_archivename: Archive name txt_archivename_noext: Archive name (without extension) txt_archive_hint: Archive, compress, split and keep private files, folders and volumes txt_compressionratio_hint: Archive's compression ratio txt_archiving: Archiving: txt_cl_long: Arguments seem exceeding the maximum size that can be passed by PeaZip frontend, please select less input files (i.e. select dirs instead of single files) txt_overwrite_askbefore: Ask before overwriting (to be used in console modes) txt_associated: associated application txt_attributes: Attributes txt_author: Author txt_ren_existing: Auto rename existing files txt_ren_extracted: Auto rename extracted files txt_autofolder: Automatically create new folder to extract the archive in? txt_back: Back txt_backend: Backend binaries user interface txt_backupexe: Backup executable (recommended) txt_bettercompression: better compression txt_blogs: Blogs txt_blowfish: Blowfish448 (64 bit blocks) txt_bookmarks: Bookmarks txt_browse: Browse txt_browsehr: Browse home/root txt_browser: Browser txt_aborted_error: Browsing archive stopped, it would take too much time. You can narrow the selection using search or filters functions (or exiting "Flat view"); extract/list/test operations are not affected by this issue. txt_list_browsing: Browsing: txt_archive_root: Browsing: archive's root txt_type_description_bzip2: BZip2: quite powerful compression, average speed txt_pw_empty: Cannot accept empty password, please either provide a password or uncheck "Encrypt" option txt_add_error: Cannot add/update or delete object(s); probably the archive type has browse/extract only support, or cannot support that particular operation (i.e. it's multi-volume or solid), or PeaZip cannot fully handle the archive name txt_un7z_browse_failure: cannot browse archive txt_list_error: Cannot list archive's content, please check if the archive is password protected or corrupted. txt_conf_cannotsave: Cannot save configuration file, check if the path is writeable and with some free space txt_check_hint: Check for casual data corruption; hash algorithms are suitable to detect even malicious data tampering (see the documentation) txt_check: Checksum/hash file(s) txt_check_select: Checksum/hash to perform txt_clear: Clear txt_clearlayout: Clear layout txt_pj_hint: Click to import job, reset changes and load up to date definition from GUI txt_autoclose: Close PeaLauncher when job completes txt_cl: command line: txt_compare: Compare files txt_compress: Compress txt_compress_executable: Compress executable txt_compress_openforwriting: Compress files open for writing txt_compression: Compression txt_compmanagement: Computer management txt_pw_confirm: Confirm password txt_console: Console txt_console_interface: console: native interface txt_content: Content txt_contentandfilenames: Content and filenames txt_controlpanel: Control panel txt_convert: Convert disk to NTFS txt_copy: Copy (Ctrl+C) txt_copyto: Copy to... txt_create: Create txt_create_archive: Create archive txt_title_create: Create archive, compress, encrypt, split... txt_create_keyfile: Create keyfile txt_create_folder: Create new folder txt_create_theme: Create new theme from current settings: txt_rr: Create recovery records txt_create_sfx: Create self-extracting archive txt_cr_current: Current path or filter compression ratio txt_custom: Custom txt_type_description_custom: Custom (advanced users): enter executable name and parameters txt_customapp: custom application txt_custom_parameters: Custom parameters txt_customsize: Custom size txt_cut: Cut (Ctrl+X) txt_datetime: Date/time txt_default: default txt_default_compression: default compression txt_default_compression_path: Default compression path txt_default_extraction_path: Default extraction path txt_default_extraction_path2: Default extraction path (this session) txt_default_format: Default format txt_theme_default: Default theme txt_hard_reset_hint: Delete bookmarks file txt_desktop: Desktop txt_devices: Devices txt_dictionary: Dictionary txt_dirs: dir(s), txt_dis: Disambiguation: txt_disk_cleanup: Disk cleanup txt_disk_defrag: Disk defrag txt_disk_management: Disk management txt_dispaly: Display results as txt_displayedmnu_obj: displayed txt_displayedobjects: Displayed objects txt_nocompress: do not compress txt_delete: Do you want to delete selected file(s)? The operation can't be undone and files will be not recoverable from recycle bin txt_wipe: Do you want to securely delete selected file(s)? The operation can't be undone and files will be not recoverable txt_done: Done txt_dontaskout: Don't ask for output path txt_edit: Edit txt_elapsed: elapsed: txt_error_emptycl: Empty command line! txt_encrypt: Encrypt txt_encrypted: encrypted txt_encryption: Encryption txt_note: Enter note/description txt_pw_may: Enter password or press enter to continue: txt_random_keys: Enter random keys txt_random_keys_hint: Enter random keys (you not have to remember) txt_ent: Enthropy evaluation txt_ent_tools: Enthropy sampling tools txt_eqorlarger: equal or larger than selected object txt_eqorrecent: equal or more recent than selected object txt_eqorolder: equal or older than selected object txt_eqorsmaller: equal or smaller than selected object txt_equal: equal to selected object txt_erase_hint: Erase files: overwrite with random data, mask size, rename, finally delete txt_extraction_error: Error extracting the selected object. If the archive is password protected please provide it txt_exclude_hint: Exclude file(s), one per line; use * and ? wildcards; " and ' delimiters are not needed txt_exclusion_recourse: Exclusion filters recourse subdirs txt_exclusion: Exclusion: txt_exe: Executable txt_overwrite_qry: exists in destination path; overwrite with file(s) with same name from source path? (Cancel: skip copying this objecy) txt_confirm_overwrite: exists; overwrite it? (no to skip) txt_explore_outpath: Explore output path txt_explore_path: Explore path txt_ext: Ext: txt_caption_extract: Extract txt_ext_nopath: Extract (without path) txt_ext_all: Extract all txt_ext_allhere: Extract all here txt_ext_allto: Extract all to... txt_extopen_custom: Extract and open with custom application txt_extopen_with: Extract and open with... txt_ext_disp_here: Extract displayed here txt_ext_disp: Extract displayed object(s) txt_ext_disp_to: Extract displayed object(s) to... txt_ext_here: Extract here txt_ext_sel_here: Extract selected here txt_ext_sel: Extract selected object(s) txt_ext_sel_to: Extract selected object(s) to... txt_extobj: Extract the object txt_newfoldermenu: Extract to new folder txt_extto: Extract to... txt_level_fast: fast txt_fastcompr: fast compression txt_fastopen: Fast open routine, stop browsing if list exceeds txt_level_fastest: fastest txt_favformats: Favourite formats txt_file: File txt_filebrowser: File browser / archive browser txt_filetools: File tools txt_files: file(s), txt_nfiles: Files txt_fs: Filesystem txt_type_custom_selected: filetype is not directly supported by PeaZip, but you can try to configure PeaZip to open this file type in "Options" tab. Proceed opening this file? txt_filters_recourse: filter(s) recourse subdirs txt_filters: Filters txt_flat: Flat (show all) txt_list_flat: Flat view: txt_unit_floppy: Floppy disk txt_foldername: Folder name txt_nfolders: Folders txt_error_input_multi: format allows a single file as input; you can use "TAR before" switch to save input in a .TAR archive before, otherwise you can chose another format. HINT: chose archive format after had selected input data: "TAR before" switch will be automatically set txt_format_options: Format options txt_fwd: Forward txt_list_found: Found: txt_free: Free txt_free2: free txt_name_full: Full name txt_function: Function txt_general: General txt_multithreading: generic multithreading txt_go_layout: Go to archive's layout txt_go_browser: Go to file browser txt_go_path: Go to object's path txt_guicl: graphic + console txt_guipealauncher: graphic: wrapped by PeaLauncher txt_graphic: Graphic's folder txt_gridaltcolor: Grids alternate color txt_gridrowheight: Grids row height txt_gui: GUI txt_type_description_gzip: GZip: fast compression txt_here: here txt_list_history: History txt_homeroot: Home / archive's root txt_io: I/O txt_quickbrowse_hint: If browsing is stopped the user can narrow the selection using search or filter functions; extract/list/test functions are not affected in any way. txt_backupexe_hint: If something goes wrong and lead to a non functional result, you may recover the original executable from the authomatic backup copy txt_attach: If the mail client support that command, the archive will be attached to a new mail txt_images: Images txt_include_hint: Include file(s), one per line; use * and ? wildcards; " and ' delimiters are not needed txt_filters_hint: Inclusion and exclusion filters for 7z binary, please carefully read 7-Zip documentation to understand how those filters works txt_inclusion_recourse: Inclusion filters recourse subdirs txt_inclusion: Inclusion: txt_error_function: Incorrect function requested txt_info: Info txt_infoall: Info on all txt_infodisp: Info on displayed object(s) txt_infosel: Info on selected object(s) txt_inputinfo: Input information txt_input_list: Input list: txt_iop: input, output, parameters txt_ipo: input, parameters, output txt_input: input: txt_integrity: Integrity check txt_chunk_size: Invalid custom size, please correct it in a numerical value txt_invertsel: Invert selection txt_type_exe: is a Windows executable, do you want to run it? ("No" to open it in PeaZip's archive browser; only NSIS installers, 7-Zip's sfx and .MSI installers can be browsed in that way) txt_return_to_archive: is currently open; do you want to browse it? txt_not_accessible: is no longer accessible txt_type_unsupported: is not a supported archive type txt_checkname_failed: is not a valid name. txt_not_accessible_list: is not accessible, please check if the file list provided is correct and up to date txt_theme_create_error: It was not possible to create the theme, try to use a name valid for a folder as theme name and to chose a writeable path txt_theme_exists: jet exists, please provide a different path txt_job_code: job code: txt_job_definition_saved: Job definition successfully saved in txt_job_success: Job successfully completed! txt_join: Join txt_joinfiles: Join files txt_keyfile: Keyfile txt_keyfile_not_found: Keyfile cannot be found or read. Please chose a different Keyfile. txt_keyfile_notcreated: KeyFile not created txt_larger: larger than selected object txt_lastused: Last used txt_launch: Launch job txt_layout: Layout txt_filelist_savedas: Layout saved as txt_level: Level txt_license: License txt_caption_list: List txt_list_details: List (with details) txt_list_all: List all txt_list_disp: List displayed object(s) txt_list_sel: List selected object(s) txt_toggle_warning: Listing flat view of path's content may take long time, continue anyway? txt_loadfile: Load file txt_loadlayout: Load layout txt_unit_hd: Local disk txt_localization: Localization txt_lpaqver: LPAQ version txt_type_description_lpaq: LPAQ: faster version of PAQ, very good compression txt_main: Main txt_maininterface: Main interface txt_maxcomp: Max compression mode txt_level_maximum: maximum txt_restartrequired: May require restarting the application to be applied txt_required_memory: MB of memory required txt_memoryusage: Memory usage (MB) txt_mergelayout: Merge a saved layout with current one txt_method: Method txt_misc: Misc txt_modify: Modify txt_morecontrols: More controls (history, bookmarks, ...) txt_morerecent: more recent than selected object txt_ent_hint: Move the mouse, enter keys in the edit field, load files to collect enthropy from the system... txt_moveto: Move to... txt_mypc: My Computer txt_list_na: n/a txt_name: Name txt_naming: Naming policy txt_unit_remote: Network drive txt_newarchive: new archive txt_cnewfolder: New folder txt_newer: newer txt_news: News txt_no: No txt_noinput: No accessible input received txt_nocompress_hint: no compression (faster) txt_archive_noinput: No input selected: please use Add file(s), Add folder(s) or Load layout to populate the archive's layout txt_split_noinput: No input selected; please select a file to split txt_open_noinput: No input selected; please select an archive (first archive's volume for multi-volume archives) txt_list_nomatch: no match txt_singlethread: no multithreading txt_none2: none txt_nonsolid: Non-solid txt_level_normal: normal txt_copy_error: not successfully copied or moved, error code: txt_description: Notes txt_compare_second: Now select file to be compared with txt_peaobj: Object control txt_displayed_obj: object(s) txt_objects: Objects txt_older: older txt_olderthan: older than selected object txt_on: on txt_ondblclick: On doubleclick do: txt_opacity: Opacity txt_open: Open txt_openarchive: Open archive txt_title_open: Open archive, decrypt, join... txt_open_bookmark: Open bookmark txt_cphere: Open command prompt here txt_open_file: Open file txt_drag_archive: open file as new archive? ("No" to add file to current archive or current layout) txt_open_files: Open file(s) txt_open_path: Open path txt_opensource: Open source portable archiver txt_openwith: Open with... txt_aborted: Operation aborted txt_unit_cd: Optical drive txt_options: Options txt_other: Other txt_otherparams: Other parameters (free editing) txt_outopt: Output options txt_outpath: Output path txt_oip: output, input, parameters txt_opi: output, parameters, input txt_output: output: txt_overwrite: Overwrite existing files txt_compressed_size: Packed txt_paqver: PAQ version txt_type_description_paq: PAQ: slow but extremely powerful compressor txt_pio: parameters, input, output txt_poi: parameters, output, input txt_parameters: Parameters: txt_error_partial: Partial extraction not implemented for current archive type txt_passes: Passes txt_pw: Password txt_pwlength: Password length in characters (4..64) txt_un7z_browse_pw: password may be required txt_un7z_browse_pw_other: password may be wrong txt_paste: Paste (Ctrl+V) txt_path: Path: txt_pea_appcolor: Pea application color txt_pea_textcolor: Pea text color txt_type_description_pea: PEA: security oriented archive format with fast compression txt_peazip_new: PeaZip (new instance) txt_peazip_help: PeaZip help (online) txt_locate_desktop: PeaZip is unable to locate the desktop folder, please select it using the following dialog txt_peazip_web: PeaZip project website txt_performall: Perform all supported algorithms txt_name_provide: Please avoid \ / : * ? ' " < > | characters txt_upxorstrip: Please chose Strip and/or UPX on the binary txt_not_removable_file: Please close file in use, in order to allow PeaZip to remove it: txt_not_removable: Please close files in use, in order to allow PeaZip to remove the folder: txt_custom_executable_missing: Please provide the custom executable's name txt_type_unsupported_select: Please select a supported archive type: txt_no_theme_name: Please specify a theme name txt_please_wait: Please wait txt_copy_wait: Please wait currently scheduled file copy/move operations to complete before scheduling other operations of the same type txt_previewwith: Preview with... txt_projectadmin: Project administrator: txt_type_description_quad: BALZ/QUAD: high-performance ROLZ-based file compressors txt_quickdelete: Quick delete txt_quit: Quit txt_unit_ram: RAM disk txt_read: Read: txt_recentarchives: Recent archives txt_rr_hint: Recovery records allows to try to correct archives in case of data corruption txt_search_refine: Refine search filter, accepts ? and * wildcards txt_fefreshf5: Refresh (F5) txt_release: release: txt_unit_removable: Removable unit txt_remove_bookmark: Remove bookmark txt_remove_external_unit: Remove external unit(s) txt_removeselected: Remove selected object(s) txt_rename: Rename txt_caption_repair: Repair txt_restartrequired2: requires restarting the application to apply txt_reset: Reset txt_reset_archivename: Reset archive name txt_hardreset: Reset bookmarks txt_reset_extpath: Reset extraction path txt_reset_outpath: Reset output path txt_reset_outpath_todefault: Reset output path to default output path txt_reset_theme: Reset to embedded theme txt_soft_reset: Restart application's using default configuration values, clear recent archives histoy, don't touch bookmarks txt_restore_att: restore original attributes txt_quickformatsel: Rightclick for quick format selection txt_run_as: Run as (cannot switch to users with blank password) txt_run_as2: Run as different user txt_sample: Sample: txt_saveas: Save as txt_savehistory: Save history of latest used archive txt_save_infolder: Save in folder (auto) txt_savejob: Save job txt_savejobdefinition: Save job definition txt_savejobdefinition_hint: Save job definition as plain text; you can use it from your scripts txt_savelayout: Save layout txt_save_winstate: Save main window state txt_search: Search (recoursive), may take some time txt_searchanddrag: Search and drag here txt_searchfor: Search for: txt_nrsearch: Search here (non recoursive) txt_search_hint: Search in archive's subdirectories for matches with filter(s) txt_search_web: Search on the web txt_list_searching: Searching... txt_securedelete: Secure delete (files) txt_default_description: Select a function or drag files here txt_selectall: Select all txt_selectdir: Select directory txt_select_outpath: Select output path... txt_selected_obj: selected txt_selected_objects: Selected objects txt_sfx: Self-extracting txt_sendbymail: Send by mail (if supported) txt_set_defaults: Set application's default parameters txt_set_exttonewfolder: Set extract to new folder txt_set_pwkey: Set password and keyfile txt_settings: Settings txt_sfx_interface: sfx interface txt_showhints: Show hints txt_show_messages: Show information messages txt_showpw: Show password field content txt_singlevol: Single volume txt_size: Size txt_sizeb: Size (B) txt_skip_existing: Skip existing files txt_slowercomp: slower compression but equally fast decompression txt_smaller: smaller than selected object txt_solid: Solid txt_solid_block: Solid block txt_solid_auto: Solid, auto-adjust txt_solid_extension: Solid, group by extension txt_tarbeforepj: Sorry, cannot import job definition's command line while using ".TAR before" switch, since the job is performed as two distinct commands txt_pw_errorunix: Sorry, cannot use password containing ' char for 7z in GUI mode under Unix, please change password or chose Console mode for 7z in Tools > Settings txt_pw_errorwin: Sorry, cannot use password containing " char for 7z in GUI mode under Windows, please change password or chose Console mode for 7z in Tools > Settings txt_listtest: sorry, list/test operation is not jet implemented for this format txt_sortbysel: Sort by selection status txt_list_sorting: Sorting... txt_speed: speed txt_split: Split txt_type_description_split: Split a file with optional integrity check txt_split_file: Split file txt_list_nostats: stats not available txt_status: Status txt_level_store: store txt_stream_control: Stream control txt_strip: Strip before UPX (recommended) txt_keyfile_created: Successfully created KeyFile as: txt_suggestpw: Suggest password txt_noupx: Symbols stripped, UPX compression omitted txt_syntax: Syntax: txt_sysbenchmark: System benchmark txt_benchmark: System benchmark will take some minutes and will use all available CPU and memory resource. The system may not respond during the benchmark; run it anyway? txt_systools: System tools txt_tarbefore: TAR before txt_type_description_tar: TAR: archiving format mainstream on UNIX systems txt_taskman: Task manager txt_caption_test: Test txt_testall: Test all txt_testdisp: Test displayed object(s) txt_testpw: Test password / keyfile txt_testsel: Test selected object(s) txt_col_hint: The color should be chosen in order to integrate well with icon colors and to other GUI's elements txt_bookmarks_hint: The complete and editable list of bookmarks is available in the file browser interface, clicking on the "More controls" icon and on "Toggle history/bookmarks" txt_archive_noinput_tolist: The layout is empty: please use Add file(s), Add folder(s) or Load Layout to populate the archive's layout txt_theme: Theme txt_icons_found: Theme loaded successfully. txt_themename: Theme name txt_icons_not_found: Theme not loaded correctly. Try to switch to the default theme, or to a known working one. txt_theme_create_success: theme succesfully created in txt_theme_not_loadable: Themes and graphic's folder must be in PeaZip's path txt_theming: Theming txt_extand_error: This function can be performed on a single object at time txt_threads: Threads txt_titlescolor: Titles color txt_to: to txt_toggle_browseflat: Toggle browse/flat view txt_toggle_historybookmarks: Toggle history/bookmarks txt_toolbarscolor: Toolbars color txt_tools: Tools txt_best: try best settings (slow) txt_un7z_browse_flat: try flat mode (+) txt_type: Type txt_level_ultra: ultra txt_error_openfile: Unable to open the specified file txt_cl_hint: UNACE and UPX always run using console mode; list, test and benchmark jobs always run using GUI mode txt_ace_missing: UNACE plugin is missing; for handling ACE archives you can download the plugin form PeaZip's website (being UNACE closed source, the plugin is not featured in base package) txt_units: units txt_unit_unknown: Unknown drive type txt_un7z_pw_untested: Untested txt_up: Up txt_update: update (if archive exists) txt_type_description_upx: UPX: compress executable files only txt_advfilters: Use advanced filters txt_openfiles_hint: Use this option to include in the archive files open for writing by other applications (useful in backup jobs) txt_usenet: Usenet txt_user_name: User name; use user@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\user form if needed. txt_using: Using: txt_volumepea: Volume control txt_volume_size: Volume size txt_type_ext_uns: was successfully extracted txt_websearch: Web search txt_websites: Websites txt_wikipedia: Wikipedia txt_word: Word txt_write: Write: txt_ramdompw_hint: You can copy the random generated password from here txt_exe_hint: You can freely enter executable name and parameters for custom compression, and chose syntax's contruction. Please note that you can also manually change command's syntax in "Console" tab. txt_pj_hint2: You can import the job's definition from the GUI frontend in the memo field below. Then, you can edit, launch or save it without changing or losing the job defined for the GUI frontend. txt_type_description_zip: ZIP: fast archiving/compression format, mainstream on Windows systems txt_zipcrypto_hint: ZipCrypto (legacy) === end PeaZip text group === === PeaLauncher text group === txt_job_unknown: : Unknown error encountered txt_stdjob: [animation will stop and job will popup at completition] txt_benchmarkjob: [system will respond slowly while running the benchmark (some minutes)] txt_defragjob: [will not respond while defragmenting, you can let it run in background] txt_consolejob: [you can see detailed progress in job's console window] txt_job1: 1: Warning: non fatal error(s); i.e. some files missing or locked txt_job127: 127: Cannot execute requested operation txt_job2: 2: Fatal error occurred txt_job255: 255: Job halted by the user txt_job7: 7: Error: got incorrect command line txt_job8: 8: Error: not enough memory for requested operation txt_autoclose: Close this window when job completes txt_crscale: Compression ratio (lower, better): txt_console: Console txt_benchscale: Core 2 Duo 6600 rating, equivalent MHz speed. txt_create: Create txt_done: Done: txt_nocl: Empty command line txt_error: Error: txt_explore: Explore txt_extto: Extract to txt_halt: Halt system when job completes txt_halted: Halted: txt_hardware: hardware txt_high: high priority txt_checkpw: Hint: check if a password is needed to run the job txt_idle: idle priority txt_info: Info txt_input: Input: txt_jpaused: Job paused txt_jresumed: Job resumed txt_job_started: Job started txt_jobstatus: Job status: txt_jstopped: Job stopped by the user txt_jobstopped: Job stopped by the user; you can inspect the partial outcome of the job clicking "Explore" button or reading the job log txt_job_success: Job successfully completed txt_lt: List/test/repair archive txt_normal: normal priority txt_ok: Ok txt_output: Output: txt_pause: Pause txt_paused: paused, txt_p_high: Priority set to high txt_p_idle: Priority set to idle txt_p_normal: Priority set to normal txt_p_realtime: Priority set to real time txt_rating: Rating: txt_rt: real time priority txt_report: Report txt_resume: Resume txt_priority: Rightclick to set job's priority txt_running: running, txt_isrunning: Running... txt_saveas: Save as txt_savejob: Save job definition (may include password!) txt_savelog: Save job log txt_software: software txt_speedscale: Speed, logarithmic scale (higher, better): txt_status: Status txt_stop: Stop txt_bench: System benchmark txt_threads: Threads: txt_time: Time: === end PeaLauncher text group === === about text group === CREATE ARCHIVES 1) Add items to archive layout from system's context and SendTo menu, by drag and drop or from application's buttons and menus; 2) Click "Create" button to start archive creation. Use: - "Options" tab to customize archive format and compression and encryption related parameters; - "I/O" tab for input / output options; - "Filters" tab for using advanced exclusion filters, if available for the chosen archive format; - "Console" tab for analyzing and customizing job's syntax, or export job as command line. Alternatively, in a single passage you can add each input item to a separate archive from system's context menu, and from SendTo menu you can add multiple items to a single archive. In archive layout you can also: - Doubleclick on an object to open it - Select a file and press "\" or "File tools > Split file" to split it - Select a file and press "<" or "File tools > Compare files" to byte to byte compare it with another file - Select multiple objects and press "?" or "File tools > Checksum/hash file(s)" to checksum / hash files - Select multiple objects and press "*" or "Secure delete (files)" for secure file deletion OPEN ARCHIVES 1) Open archives by file association, or from system's context and SendTo menu entries, or from PeaZip's buttons and menus 2a) Click "Extract all" to extract the archive, or "Extract all to" for being asked about output path; 2b) Doubleclick or press enter on an archived object to preview it with associated application, or open it in PeaZip if archive, or explore it if directory; 2c) Select archived objects and press middle mouse button or the spacebar to extract them (being asked for output path); 2d) Rightclick to use context menu entries to perform all available functions, like extract selected or displayed objects, preview, test, list, add or delete files etc... Hint: if you want to extract archive to a fresh new directory, use "Extract to new folder" switch in context menu (or I/O tab), or press \ or Ctrl+N while in the archive browser. Use: - "Options" tab to customize format-specific parameters; - "I/O" tab for input / output options, including "Extract to new folder" switch (available also in context menu); - "Filters" tab for using advanced inclusion and exclusion filters, if available for the archive's format; - "Console" tab for analyzing and customizing job's syntax, or export job as command line. Alternatively, you can extract multiple archives at once from system's context menu. ABOUT PEAZIP PeaZip free archiver is a portable, open source archiving, encryption and file split tool; it supports handling many archive and compression formats. Write: 7Z, 7Z-sfx, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, split, TAR, UPX, ZIP Read: 7Z, ACE, ARC/WRC, ARJ, BZ/BZ2/TBZ, CAB, CHM/CHW/HXS, COMPOUND (MSI, DOC, XLS, PPT), CPIO, GZ/TGZ, ISO, Java (JAR, EAR, WAR), LZH/LHA, Linux (DEB, PET/PUP, RPM, SLP), NSIS, OOo, PAK/PK3/PK4, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, RAR, split, TAR, U3P, WIM/SWM, XPI, Z/TZ/TAZ, ZIP/SMZIP Custom type archives can be handled for writing and reading specifying custom executables and syntax in "Option" tab. Other features: split/join files (file span), erase files (secure deletion), compare, checksum and hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords and keyfiles. PeaZip allows to edit, save and restore archive's layouts; apply powerful multiple filters to archive's content; handle multiple archives at once; export job definition as command line; encrypt with AES256 etc. PeaZip_portable is a standalone application with same features of PeaZip; it doesn't need installation and can be used from removable units (USB keys, remote paths...) not performing any change in the host system. Most used functions are integrated in SendTo and context menu (on Windows) and as .desktop files for contextual menus (on Linux); system integration is authomatic in installable packages and can be customized by users both for installable and portable packages (see online documentation). PeaZip is cross platform and runs on 32 and 64 bit Windows (9x, 2000, XP, Vista) and Linux. Downloads and changelog: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/ All downloads: http://sourceforge.net/projects/peazip/ Online help: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/peazip-help.html FAQ: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/faq.html Many thanks to all people contributing to PeaZip project's growth developing Open Source software components used in this application (see website for complete list), and to all users contributing with feedback, experience and advices.